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Innovation and Efficiency

THE  innovative line of Getmaxx devices, created with totally national technology, certified and patented as innovative technology by the INPI and with a green patent granted, promotes the effective reduction of fuel consumption, improving the performance of combustion engines and generating savings for its customers, in addition to promoting a considerable reduction in emissions of polluting gases.

Getmaxx systems show excellent results in ethanol, gasoline and diesel engines, whether in light or heavy vehicles.

All performance and economy indicators were audited by INMETRO and certified through the granting of the green patent, proving the effective benefit it provides to customers.

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With unique characteristics in the international market, Techmaxx systems bring economy and sustainability to companies in different segments:


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- Automakers

- Carriers

- Urban and road transport companies

- Rental companies

- App companies

- Governments

Para Quem Fazemos
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