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We live in a world where we are still very dependent on energy generated through fossil fuels.

It is estimated that the peak in oil consumption will be reached around 2035 and only then begin to fall.


In the environmental context, the emissions of gases resulting from the burning of fuels, whether in logistics operations or in the locomotion of people, impact and challenge the whole of society, whether due to the quality of the air we breathe or the high costs of fuel.

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Getmaxx emerges in this complex scenario with the creation of sustainable and accessible technologies that provide, in addition to cost reduction, environmental protection.

We are a company with certified products with a green patent and our Research and Development area, through intelligent solutions, helps companies from all segments to increase the efficiency of their transport operations, whether for goods or people.


We bring innovation to the automotive sector, through high-performance technical products and services that have been proven to reduce fuel consumption and the emission of polluting gases.


Patented technology. Operation throughout Brazil.


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